Category: George Washington Maher

Talk on Progressive American Fireplace Mosaics

I’m presenting a talk on the history of American mosaic in domestic settings: Where: Holton Studio Frame Makers 2100 Fifth Street (corner of Addison), Berkeley, California When: Wednesday Evening, June 20th at 7:30 p.m. This illustrated talk will trace the introduction of mosaic in the buildings of progressive American architects around the turn of the […]

New George Washington Maher Inspired Designs

I was contacted last year with a dream project; to create some Maher-esque glass and mosaic designs for a home inspired by his Prairie School work. Maher, one of my favorite architects, used leaded glass and mosaic in many of his commissions throughout his career. I used the mosaic from the Schultz House in Kenilworth, […]

Catalog Windows in a Maher Designed Home

At the turn of the 20th century, leaded glass windows in common homes was typical; however, these weren’t the architect designed windows that were widely published at the time, but designs chosen from catalogs that were printed by the various glass manufacturers of the day. Several years ago, on a trip to Chicago to photograph […]
